Miss Bradburn – Class Teacher
This is my first year teaching at St. Matthew’s and I am absolutely delighted to be part of the St Matthew’s family, and even more excited to be the Year 5 class teacher! I love working in Key Stage 2, and I can’t wait to share your learning journey with you. Year 5 is such an important school year and I promise to make your learning as exciting as I can.
A couple of facts about me: I play a few different instruments including the Irish whistle, Irish tenor banjo and the guitar. The music I play is Traditional Irish music and I regularly travel to Ireland to learn all the different styles. I can’t wait to share my love of music with Year 5! When I am not playing music, I love watching and playing (any!) sports, but you will often find me cycling on my road racer. I also love to cook and I grow all my own vegetables and herbs in my garden and around my house which I then use in my cooking.
When I first walked into St Matthew’s, I instantly knew that I wanted to be a part of the warm, community atmosphere. St Matthew’s is an incredible school and I can’t wait to help you learn and watch you all grow!
Mrs Kavanagh – Teaching Assistant
I am so delighted to be joining Year 5, as I worked with you when you were in Year 3 and you are a wonderful class! I have watched you grow and flourish throughout Year 4 and I cannot wait to see you continue to develop in Year 5.
I have worked at St Matthew’s for 15 years. I started as a midday assistant and shortly after I started supporting children in the classroom. I absolutely love working at St Matthew’s, and it has always been like an extended family to me. I am a mum of 3 children – my eldest son came to Nursery here, my daughter attended St Matthew’s from Nursery to Year 6, and my other son attended Victoria Park.
I enjoy spending time with my family and I love going abroad and getting some sunshine every summer.
I am so excited to begin a new journey with you all in Year 5!

Class governor friend
Each class has a ‘Class governor friend’. Your class governor friend is a member of the governing body, who will remain linked to your class throughout their time as a governor, moving through the school with you. They are looking forward to getting to know you all over the coming year!

Louise Jones
My name is Louise Jones and I am Co-Chair of Governors at St Matthew’s. I became a parent governor in 2017 when my son was in nursery, in an effort to become more involved in school activities and to offer support where I was able.
As a music graduate and having worked in the arts/music industry for nearly 20 years, I feel strongly that these subjects are vital to the education and development of our children and to this end I have been able to introduce additional resources at school including a term of free piano lessons and also connecting St Matthew’s with external projects such as the Royal Northern College of Music’s Opera Project and the Hallé Orchestra’s Adopt a Player Scheme.
Over the years, I have become more and more passionate about education and strongly believe that all children should have access to the best schooling and the opportunity to realise and fulfil their potential, regardless of their circumstances and background.
Working as a Governor at St Matthew’s is incredibly rewarding. It is a wonderfully warm and welcoming school built on strong values and a community ethos, with a clear vision and extremely dedicated staff who care deeply for the children. It is a great privilege to be part of the school family and I look forward to continuing to get to know more of you in the months and years ahead.