All school meals are prepared freshly in the school kitchen by our cooks.
Children can choose what they would like each day by pre-ordering through our online menu with their parents.
In addition to those children eligible for benefits-related free school meals, children in Reception, Year One and Year Two are eligible for a free meal each day. Our menus are designed by Trafford Catering and can be viewed on this page.

From 1 September 2023, meals cost £2.50; all payment for meals must be paid using Evolve at the point of ordering. We are a zero-debt school and believe it is in everyone’s interests to avoid accumulating debt with school. Our Charging and Remissions Policy and Debt Management Policy can be found on this page.
Please ensure you inform the school should your child have any food allergies or intolerance, as well as update their Evolve profile. Most dietary requirements are catered for and if you have updated your child’s dietary information, you will only be able to see the meals suitable for them.
If you have any questions about school meals then please contact Mrs Calnan or Ms Bennett in the office.