The ‘Muddy Puddle’ approach is a type of outdoor learning that allows the children to be outside whilst still embedding and learning academic curriculum-linked subjects. So, rather than only doing number work in books, we will also take the learning outside!
Our Muddy Puddle lessons support the three Muddy Ms:
Mental Health
Mother Nature
Move More

Pre-COVID, this was always something we were passionate about and it is a key part of our vision for our children to ‘embrace the outdoors’. Now more than ever, we believe this is something we need to do more of: plenty of fresh air, active learning, group work and fun in the sun, rain and mud!
Our teachers deliver an educational curriculum that both provides academic learning balanced with the nurturing care of the three Muddy Ms.

Muddy Puddle Teachers try to balance their indoors approach with the outdoors and, in line with our whole-school vision, regard mental and physical wellbeing as important as their academic studies.
The Muddy Puddle Teacher ideas are all engaging and make the children feel as if they are playing whilst learning at the same time! Children love to make use of our fantastic field and amazing orchard area!
What do children need when taking part in Muddy Puddles?
If you are informed that your child is going to take part in a Muddy Puddle lesson, we ask that your child comes to school in non-uniform and instead dressed in suitable clothing. This will include old, warm clothes and shoes/trainers that you don’t mind the children getting dirty.
Please keep an eye on the weather and:
- For rainy days send in waterproof clothing wherever possible (waterproof coat as a minimum).
- On particularly wet days, please also send in wellies and spare clothes in case the children get very muddy!
- On cold days please send in warm clothes – multiple layers are always good to achieve the correct temperature!
You may want to have a ‘Muddy Puddle’ bag ready for any such occasion so children come dressed in and bring everything they need to be comfortable when we let you know a lesson is taking place.
If it is very cold, very rainy or very sunny we will not stay out as long as we normally would so please be assured, we will aim to do what’s comfortable for the children!
Please do inform the office / your child’s teacher should they have allergies to any natural items or any materials.
Useful Links
You can find out more and get free resources for home at:
There is also a parents’ Facebook group you can follow at:
You may also want to read the guidance on using natural resources: so that you too can use similar safety measures when your child wants to use natural resources at home.