Friends & Family PTA

Welcome to St. Matthew’s Friends and Family PTA page. We are a group of volunteers (parents, teachers, grandparents, guardians and community members) whose aim is to support and contribute to the life of the school through fundraising and community events.

With the help of our parents, teachers and of course, the children, we have raised money for some amazing projects and had a lot of fun in the process.

Most recently we have raised the funds required for a bike shelter, allowing all members of the school family to cycle or scooter to school. In the past, we have helped fund a whole school trip to the theatre to watch ‘Father Christmas’, gift dictionaries to outgoing Year 6s to support them in the rest of their education journey, and paid for ice lollies for the whole school on sports day. We have also helped fund a new school library and the courtyard totem pole.

Throughout the year we hold several events and a lot of fun and games is had by all. Examples of the types of events we hold are an annual Christmas Fair, a Christmas Gift Sale, a bake-off competition and the highlight of our fundraising calendar the Community Fun Day.

As a friends and family group we welcome anyone who wants to get involved. There are loads of ways to get involved in St Matthew’s Friends and Family PTA which don’t involve joining the board or regular commitment (unless you want to). We always need people to bake, take photographs, sell tickets, wrap presents, man stalls, attend events, donate raffle prizes etc.

You can keep up-to-date with Friends and Family news by emailing us at to join our mailing list and by following our facebook group: St Matthew’s Friends & Family or Twitter feed @PrimaryMatthews